People who’ve lost all their teeth (a condition known as edentulism) face a problem on how to restore their lost function and appearance, they are not able to chew their food and face gastric problems ….Yes it is possible to restore their dentition .It is Possible to give third Set of Teeth to them!!! Visit your Dentist.
DENTURES are very important for persons with missing teeth or completely edentulous arches. Getting dentures help in the following:
Chewing and Eating : This is the primary function of teeth and replacement of missing teeth with complete denture help in effective chewing and biting.
Aesthetics : We don’t realise often but our teeth play a very important role in our facial structure, its form, shape and overall aesthetics of the individual. Missing teeth can give a sunken or drooping facial structure, which can be corrected by dentures.
Speech : Our teeth, along with the tongue and palate, play a crucial role in speech. Many syllables we pronounce require teeth to be present. But, in a person with missing teeth, speech is affected. Dentures, therefore, help restore speech and enable them to pronounce words that contain sibilants and fricatives.
Self-esteem and confidence : Our smile is intricately linked with our self-esteem. Individuals who have beautiful smiles are often more confident and have high self-esteem.
While losing a tooth or all your teeth can impact your self-esteem, dentures can help boost confidence and restore your self-esteem.
Dentures are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Conventional dentures are removable complete denture. However, there are many denture designs, some which rely on bonding or clasping onto teeth or dental implants (fixed dentures). There are two main categories of dentures, the distinction being whether they are used to replace missing teeth on the mandibular arch or on the maxillary arch.
Types of dentures-
1. Traditional Complete Full Dentures
Complete dentures replace all of a patient’s teeth. They sit on top of the gums, as opposed to dental bridges that are anchored to existing teeth. Complete dentures are typically placed within 8-12 weeks after the teeth have been removed/ extracted. Sometimes Immediate denturesare typically placed on the same day that the teeth are removed/ extracted.
2. Overdentures
An overdenture sits on top of the gums and is held securely in place with the help of anchors onto the existing teeth. What makes them unique is the locator attachments embedded within the tissue side of the denture. The locator attachments snap onto the teeth or onto the locator receptors. This means they are convenient and removable. This type are the most effective choice when it comes to stability.
3. Implant Supported Dentures
With implant supported dentures, a dental implant is used to securely support the denture. The denture provides a great amount of support for a solid foundation, which allows the denture to stay securely in place. The dental implant also looks natural and will last long, too.
How To Care For Your Dentures
According to the American Dental Association (ADA),caring for your dentures is similar to caring for natural teeth. You should brush twice daily to remove food particles and plaque and to prevent staining. You should also:
Our team of Om Dental Nagpur can provide you with even more information keeping your teeth in top condition. For more information, give us a call today on +91 8308729144 or visit us at